Davis Cemetery
Photographed by
If You have any information on any of our Unknowns Or you know of a cemetery that we have not found please let us know.
Website by Jim Powell Jr
1Sectional View  Enclosed cemetery looking north 
2Sectional View  Stones sticking up from brush 
3Louisa A. Davis 03 June 1843 25 December 1859  
4William H. Davis 08 August 1834 07 October 1860  
5Jesse Davis  13 February 1857 Aged 57 years 
6Perry B. Davis  01 October 1855 Aged 3 years 
7Margret Davis  07 September 1867 Wife of Jessie Davis 
8Rayford M. Davis   Co. F. 10 Fla. Inf. C.S.A. 
9Sarrah E. Davis 21 July 1854 02 August 1869